Little Bean Turns One

I knew this day would come eventually but was shocked by how quickly it arrived!  My baby girl is a year old... I am so happy to have a healthy, happy baby but wish I could keep her this age just a little longer. 

We decided to host everyone at our place for the first time and my oh my, talk about stress.  For those who know me, I like to have things perfect and thanks to all of us being deathly ill, we pulled the whole party together in a matter of a few days.  I seriously couldn't have done it without my mom.  That woman is a saint.  She spent every free evening the week leading up to the party right by my side helping my snotty self hang fabric, make curtain rods and whine about how crappy I felt.  And I am not an easy sick person... Like I said, saint.

The amount of people that came out to celebrate our sweet little one blew me away.  Our home was filled with family and friends who have played such an encouraging role in our lives. Whether they watched our sweet Edee, have offered Jordan and I marraige support, helped me through my pregnancy, they have been here with us through it all and we love them so very much!!

Okay, now for the sweet photos snapped by my beautiful friend (and personality twin) Jenna.

Check below for links!

Photography: Jenna Norman Photography

Flowers (similar): Petals and Pop