When Two Become One

Our handsome papa bear.

Our handsome papa bear.

As a child, I too was under the impression that some day I would meet Prince Charming, we would date for a year and he would be so in love with me that he would HAVE to propose and marry me three months later.  Screw you Disney for making me think birds would design my clothes and a husband would be the answer to all of my life's problems.   

My journey of... love... has been anything but perfect. And even though I strongly dislike the lie Disney so beautiful tells, I can't help but feel, in some ways, I have found my "Prince Charming". He isn't your typical knight in shining armor with long hair and a perfectly chiseled jaw line who sings of his desire to spend every waking minute with me. He's actually a morning grump monster, with a long dark beard, tattoos, septum piercing, motorcycle junkie who, if he could, would karate chop every beautiful flower in his path if it didn't make him look like such a crazy person. Haha! But he's my love. The father of my sweet Edee. And though he's rough around the edges, he loves deeply, will share his food and thinks I'm beautiful even when I'm covered in baby snot and haven't showered in days.

Things are not always sunshine and warm fuzzies. More often there is a sort of dark cloud that hangs over us. We are both passionate and strong willed and at times it feels like all we do is fight. But we both want each other even when we don't. Adding a baby into the equation has only intensified every feeling, good and bad and has us seeking professional help to learn how to wade through this life together. We aren't broken people who have had some terrible upbringing. We're your average people who have had our fair share of issues, troubles and successes. And two very different people trying to do life together can be... complicated.

But he is my love. My protector. He would die for Edee and I and I know that even though things are difficult, I will fight for us and be his support as we wade through this very difficult thing called life. 

There is always hope if you're willing to fight for it and put in the hard work. Marriage is what it is. Some of us chose to marry and others don't. And no matter which way you decide to go, either path is hard. But we chose this. To live our lives as one. And I wouldn't take it back for a second. 
