Detoxing the Brain

I have this strong belief that the way we think and the things we eat can play a huge part in our mental health, physical health and overall happiness. Here in the states, we are programmed to believe that our issues of anxiety, extreme mood swings and various other mental disorders can be solved with just a little pill once or twice a day or "as needed".  And yet with modern medicine, we are still finding ourselves becoming more and more mentally unstable and on more medicine than ever before. Have any of you stopped to ask yourself why that is?  I am not here to complain about corrupt pharmaceutical companies or lay blame to physicians who really are trying their best to make the world a better place! 

I want to talk about the power we have within to change our world!!!!!  Whether you are religious or not, this concept I am speaking of is applicable.  Our mind's have the power to change the physical genetic make-up of our brains! No joke. Scientifically proven.  Look it up! Recently I have been listening to Dr. Caroline Leaf.. AMAZING WOMAN. She was among a small group of neuroscientists who, in the 80's, decided to challenge the idea that the brain, once damaged, can never be recovered. They were successful in their findings and today, thanks to this wonderful woman and her team, we have the term "neuroplasticity" which basically means the brain can change. The actual definition: Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life.

What this means for us is that the bad habits and fear that can easily overtake our lives can be changed!!!! As someone who has dealt with extreme anxiety and fear for most of my life and has a serious issue with running to cheese and salami or chips and guacamole for comfort, I can be FREE. 

The videos by Dr. Caroline Leaf can be found on Youtube. She has various teachings and even a TEDx talk that are all well worth listening to!  

I have decided to go forward and make some serious changes in my life. We all have our issues and tend to respond to our bad decision making with "Its okay, no one is perfect". I think that's bull. We were all born perfect and its the world that we live in and the experiences we have that have caused so many mental health issues.

Starting this week (when my book from amazon arrives), I will begin my 63 day detox of the brain. We have all heard that it takes 21 days to build a habit which is true, but the brain needs 63 days to make a complete long term change.  If any of you are interested in joining me and not only see the need but are craving a positive change in your life, please join me!!!  Happy detoxing my loves!!